COVID 19 Response: One25 continuing to support Bristol’s most vulnerable women


Bristol based charity, and partner of FareShare South West is One25. One25 support women trapped in, or vulnerable to, street sex work. Under normal circumstances, One25 provides a drop-in centre for these women where hot meals, support and guidance are provided. 

This is in addition to an outreach van that goes out direct to the women on the street 5 nights a week providing condoms, food, hot drinks, and support.

In the context of the Coronavirus crisis, many women One25 support have still been working on the streets in order to survive and many who have made the choice not to work are finding themselves with no source of income. 

Whilst One25 has had to close the drop-in centre, a vital safe space for these women, the team of dedicated staff and volunteers have still been going out in the van to support their community.

“The women we work with can be highly vulnerable and often have no-one and nothing else… with drop in closed, our staff have been working hard to get out food parcels to women who may not otherwise eat”

Anna Smith, CEO of One25 says: “Food from FareShare South West has been so, so appreciated at One25. 

The women we work with can be highly vulnerable and often have no-one and nothing else, so we’ve adapted out services to continue to provide the best support we can. With drop-in closed, our staff have been working hard to get out food parcels to women who may otherwise not eat, or who have needed to self-isolate. We’ve been delivering food and essentials to 50 of Bristol’s most vulnerable women, delivering 300 food bags in the first 7 weeks of lockdown.

We’re so thankful to FareShare for providing the best food to meet women’s needs – UHT milk for women without fridges, instant food for women who only have a kettle to cook with, as well as nourishing fresh food too. 

Thank you FareShare South West.” One25 has doubled the quantity of food they receive from us in this crisis period, with a tonne being taken and redistributed to vulnerable women across the city between 1st March – 1st June 2020.

To find out more about One25 and support their work directly, visit:

To support our Coronavirus Emergency Appeal visit: