Hope at Home: Annual Report 2019

Hope at Home are excited to publish their first annual report!  Read here (hyperlink http://www.hopeathome.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Hope-at-Home-Annual-Report-2018-2019.pdf) for all their news and if you want to stay updated, subscribe to their newsletter (https://hopeathome.us18.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=e09b30649a0dcf0de14afa6a6&id=d8af69dfe3)! 

Hope at Home operates a hosting scheme for survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking.  We work in partnership with professional agencies, such as Unseen, as well as local churches. 

“Thank you for your kindness, welcoming me to your home and for the love which I will never forget in my entire life.”

“It’s amazing how being part of a family can have an impact……Even after family and sibling arguments, when you can feel you’re doing a bad job, M seemed to find that a natural sign of family life.  So far, it has been a positive two-way experience.”

For more information, contact Helen at helen@hopeathome.org.uk or visit our website www.hopeathome.org.uk