MentorMe: Mentoring Training Sessions


The charity Sixty-One, through its project MentorMe, support and encourage people with criminal convictions who want to start a new life free from crime.

We do this by training and supporting people from the churches to be able to mentor ex-prisoners. It is a wonderful and practical opportunity for Christians to learn more about God’s heart, their faith and the nature of grace.

If you are prepared to listen, be patient, and have your faith put to work then there are people with criminal convictions who need a mentor like you to support them to reach their goals and change their life.

- Sat 16th May, 9.30am - 4.30pm
- Wed 27th May, 7pm - 9.30pm
- Wed 3rd June, 7pm - 9.30pm

Venue: St Agnes Church Thomas Street. Bristol BS2 9LL
Contact, 0117 403 7905