Christmas Gift Bag Project - SixtyOne

Christmas Gift Bag Project

Christmas Gift Bag Project

Imagine waking up on Christmas morning to the sound of a lock being turned and a heavy steel door being flung open. 

Imagine opening your eyes to a sparse cell, with a few frayed photos tacked to the wall and a stainless steel toilet and sink in the corner instead of a tree.

Imagine pulling on your grey, prison issue uniform and descending the metal staircase to the breakfast hall. 

Imagine beginning Christmas day away from your loved ones, but surrounded by hundreds of other inmates dreaming of home. 

This is the reality for over 80,000 people in the UK who will spend Christmas day in prison this year.

You could help bring some light by supporting financially and with prayer, the Christmas Gift Bag Project run by SixtyOne and paid for by the churches in Bristol.

Details of how to make a donation towards the cost of the gifts can be found here.

Find out more -  / Call 0117 403 7905  / /

Sixty One