Supporting Recovery, Growing Faith - 2020 Training Dates

Understanding Addiction post

Every church community has people who have been affected directly or indirectly by alcohol or drug misuse, compulsive behaviours and or mental health problems.

Some of these are in the public arena, others are carried by sufferers in secret for years.

Understanding these behaviours and knowing how to help are challenges we all face.

Jesus said he was sent “to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free” Luke 4:18.

Life Recovery Group aims to support people on their journey to wholeness and freedom, and to support the church supporting people on this journey.

This training, now in its fifth year, aims to equip churches and pastoral care workers to better understand and support people struggling with addiction and the issues they are facing on their recovery journey.

It is best experienced as a whole course, but can also be booked as standalone sessions. They all run from 9.30am to 12.30pm, doors open at 9am with coffee being served from 9.15am.

They ask for a voluntary donation of £8 per session or £40 for all six sessions, which will go towards the work of Life Recovery Group.

For more information on the sessions, and to book your place, click here